Protecting the Protected Classes in Real Estate (RE111RC20)

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In-person/hybrid classes, please refer to the current NSR Covid protocol here
22 May

Protecting the Protected Classes in Real Estate (RE111RC20)

Protecting the Protected Classes in Real Estate (RE111RC20)

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 (11:15 AM to 1:15 PM)
2 CE Hours
Live Zoom Webinar

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The purpose of this class is to help Real Estate Agents better understand the impact of human behavior when interacting with other people, as to prevent them from unintentionally discriminating against a protected class. Though we may not realize it, our reactions, assumptions, and unconscious thought processes can lead us into treating people differently. To help prevent discrimination agents must not only be fully familiar with the protected classes, but also understand the impact of implicit bias and disparate impact on their behavior and activities. Only then can they provide equal service, equal treatment, and equal access to all. This course will also help real estate agents create strategies for providing equal service, to better understand the protected classes, and identify areas that may be affected by implicit bias. 

Live Zoom Webinar
Live Zoom Webinar

Isabelle Perkins